
Beginners guide to high school

August 6, 2019

Well, I had a learning moment this past week.  My first #momfail of high school.  A question that should have been clarified before the day of orientation…what time does it end.  Oh yeah, I was that mom.  In the original information, the orientation was listed from 10 am until 2 pm.  No update was sent out but was on the school website and probably at schedule pick-up.  But, we had already registered so we didn’t stop by the table.

So, around 1:15 pm on Friday afternoon, Twinkletoes texted me to ask where I was and my heart sank.  I had planned on leaving the house at 1:20 pm so that I would be there early.  Hmmm, well that  didn’t work.  When I got there, she was chatting with a new friend and his mom.  (This is where I would insert that emoji with the lady smacking herself in the head).  I felt terrible. Like the WORST mom ever.  Of course she didn’t seem to care but this is our first year at this school and I don’t want to be known as “that mom”.  I’m sure no one even noticed but my anxiety was on high alert!

On the upside of Friday, my parents came in for the weekend to visit.  It was also my dad’s birthday!  It was great to see them.  They had been traveling since we moved. Luckily, we were on their route home and there’s a great rv park near us for them to park. It was a great weekend.


As far as my WDW Marathon training, I got some new shoes to train in.  My Brooks Ghost 11 are getting up there in miles and are losing some of their cushion.  I went to our local Fleet Feet store and had a great experience getting fit.  I went with a pair of Asics Gel-Nimbus 21.  So far, they feel amazing!!  I’m looking forward to my longer run this weekend.fullsizeoutput_3332

What’s on the docket for this week?  Twinkletoes starts HIGH SCHOOL on Thursday!  EKKKK!!!!  I’m still not sure how this happened.  Where did the time go??  I know that she’s dreading the obligatory “first day of school” picture.  And yes, of course, I’ll have it for next week’s blog.

Twinkletoes and I are participating in a local 5k on Saturday.  I’m also in the middle of a 30 day ab challenge.  I have it listed in “Workouts I like”.  It’s getting tough with the leg raises.  I am part of a wonderful group of ladies on Facebook that are doing it with me.  I post the daily challenge each morning. So it should be an exciting week!

When do your kiddos start school?

I hope everyone has a great week!  Until next time, keep on truckin’!