
Family Tradition

November 27, 2013

As long as I can remember, my grandma made dressing on thanksgiving. My grandma was a great cook and very detailed with her recipes. My mom has her original recipe book with my late grandma, mom, and my late Uncle Butch’s handwritten recipes.




Today, being the day before Thanksgiving, we prepared grandma’s dressing.


So, all 3 generations helped today.


Twinkle Toes helped crumble the cornbread.


Mom chopped onions, green onions, and celery.


I sautéed the chopped veggies. Then…


Mixed it all up. Folded it up would be a better term. If there was one thing grandma taught me it was how to fold.


The non-baked result! Can’t wait to eat some tomorrow.

I think grandma would be proud of her girls. We were fortunate enough for her to be able to spend some time with Twinkle Toes before she passed in 2010. They loved each other so much.


This time of year makes me miss her more. She was a classic beauty. Every time I hear the Dean Martin version of “Baby it’s cold outside”, I can imagine her in her younger years singing.


Holidays make me nostalgic. I was fortunate to have my grandparents with us at each holiday growing up. My uncle passed away before I was born but stories from mom and Butch’s childhood will live on.


So with all that said, what traditions do you and your family have during Thanksgiving?

I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Until next time…keep truckin’!