Blogging Holidays Meal Planning running Thanksgiving

My First Thanksgiving As Host

November 29, 2019

All the worry and planning was all for naught. My first Thanksgiving as host was a success. My mom and I got everything ready and all was still hot at the same time when it was time to serve. Whew! Now to do it again for Christmas!

How I did it…

So the turkey, yeah, I farmed that out. Was it worth it…heck yeah! That stressed me out just thinking about it. Thank you, Inverness, for the service!

We went up to see Mr. Man’s family last weekend so I went Monday after my doctor’s appointment (I got cleared to run! Woohoo!) to get all the groceries I’d need for the meal. Publix wasn’t busy so bonus! Checked that off my list! I use a handy app on my phone called Family to house my grocery list. The rest of the family can add to it through their phones too.

So what did I do next?

I got all of my recipes together. Then Twinkletoes and I made the cheesecake so it had plenty of time to set up. It looked so good! Cleaned the last minute things in the house and washed yet more dishes.

My parents came in on Wednesday and I’m going to be real honest…I made my bed. I go through phases where I make it and then I won’t for a while. It really depends on my mood. I’ll pull the covers up and smooth them out but to put the decorative pillows on the bed, well, maybe not.

Thanksgiving Day has arrived!

We started the day with our own Turkey Trot in my neighborhood. It was a beautiful morning and three generations completed 3.1 miles. We came back and devoured cinnamon rolls and then started working on the meal.

We had green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, balsamic carrots, cornbread dressing, blueberry salad, turkey, and gravy. A feast for five people. So many leftovers. And the turkey was delicious!

Afterwards, we watched Rouge One. My mom had never seen it! Hard to believe! My dad, well he tried to enjoy it but football was on. Star Wars isn’t his thing and I appreciate that he hung in for a little while.

Black Friday Shopping?

Do I Black Friday shop? Um, no. I’m not a night owl and there’s nothing I need to buy that bad to endure the crowds that bad. I’m more of a Cyber Monday kind of girl! Just ship it to me!

Did you partake in the Black Friday shopping? Find any amazing deals? I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving! Until next time, keep on truckin’!