Goals Healthy Habits running

It’s September, y’all!

New month, new goals

September 1, 2019

I’m going to start doing something a little different this month. I find that I do better when I write my goals down. It makes them more real. Knowing what steps to take to achieve the big, end goal is half the battle of attaining your goals.

So, here’s my September goal. Keep up with my marathon training plan. Pretty simple, right! My steps to doing that…

  1. Hydrate properly – I have a water intake app on my phone called My Water. My goal this month is to use it every day.
  2. Fuel properly – I have some longer runs this month (11 and 13 milers). I need to make sure that my protein intake is more on point. I have Calorie Mama that you can customize to your heart’s desire. So, I can start tracking the meals that I plan and see where I’m deficient.
  3. Continue to do my 30 day challenges – This helps me get in some core work and additional leg strength. Right now, I’m doing a combo of planks, crunches, and wall sits. I get these challenges from Pinterest. They hold my interest and are quick and easy to do.
  4. RUN – Most importantly, keep up with my training plan. I have it on a calendar on the door before I leave and in my planner. Not that I don’t know when I have runs but it’s extra motivation. On days that I don’t have scheduled runs, I get out and do a brisk walk for at least 45 minutes to keep the juices flowing!

What are some of your goals for this month? How do you go about attaining them?

I’d love to hear and I’m always looking for ways to improve on how to achieve mine!

Until next time, keep on truckin’!