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Week in Rewind

October 7, 2019

Did your week fly by like mine? It was insane! I think I’ve said that before but even Twinkletoes mentioned it on Tuesday. As I was going over my week in rewind, I was like, “oh yeah, that was this week”. Hopefully, this week will be only semi-fast as she and I are headed to Disney this weekend!! Lots to do before we go!

So, here’s what I did…

  • Monday – Walked 3.35 miles half on the treadmill before Total Toning. Got some foam rolling in after class too! different instructor. It was a good hard workout.
  • Tuesday – Ran 3.12 miles (2.48 running and .63 cool down) on the treadmill.
  • Wednesday – Walked 4.25 miles before Total Toning. Today it was back to barre class. It was great! We had a smaller class today so it was more like personal training.
  • Thursday – Ran 2.23 miles. Had a late breakfast with a teammate and caught up on some great stuff! More to come on that too!
  • Friday – Rode 7.67 miles before Total Toning. We finished the class with stretching. It was a great way to start the day! And I finally made the decision to go to Disney next weekend. Long weekend for Twinkletoes! Yippee!
  • Saturday – I got my scheduled 15 miles in. Half with my intervals and half walking due to pain in my big toe joint. I was pretty happy with the time though. 15.2 miles in 3:33:29. Spent the time on my feet and toughed it out.
  • Sunday – Rest day!

What do you look forward to?

It’s fall, well, it’s been fall since September 23rd. But for some of us, we haven’t had those fall like temperatures yet. What am I looking forward to…cooler weather! We have just had a few weeks of 95+ degree days and I can say that I’m so over the heat! I’m not a cold weather girl by any means but give me an 82 degree day for Pete’s sake!

I’m ready to cozy up by the fire, watch some Auburn football or Friends. You know, which ever comes first! So, what are some fallish things that you look forward to? Have any family traditions?

I hope you have a great week and until next time, keep on truckin’!